About the campaign
For more than 35 years, Poland has been one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. Behind this success are concrete solutions, innovative technologies and people. Poland’s economic growth rate in 2025 will be higher than global GDP – it will be 3.5% – and at the same time almost double the growth rate of developed economies. In comparison, the eurozone’s projected growth is just 1.0% in 2025.
We are a growth leader among EU economies. That’s something to be proud of!

This is a campaign that showcases Poland as a modern, dynamic and innovative country, making an important contribution to the development of the European Union.
- Strengthening Poland's image.
- Promoting Polish innovation and entrepreneurship by increasing awareness of Polish achievements in the field of technology and business in Europe and in Poland.
- Increasing the interest of European partners and investors in cooperation with Polish companies.
- Directing media attention to Poland's successes and the potential of our economy.
The campaign aims to strengthen national pride and social identity by inspiring Polish women and men to appreciate the value and strength of our country, building a sense of community around Poland’s successes, and engaging the public in activities that promote the achievements of Poles so that everyone can be a part of them.
Poland’s presidency of the Council of the European Union is an excellent opportunity to show that Poland is an important player in the European arena. A country of innovation, entrepreneurship and ambitious people who are shaping Europe’s future.
It’s time for us to recognize our achievements and start talking about them out loud!
The campaign is being implemented in Poland and Europe.
Campaign Organizer: IncludedPlus Foundation