


Medicine, Biotechnology and Health

Bionic Pancreas

Bionic Pancreas
Fully functional, 3D printed bionic organ


The bionic pancreas (cATMP) is a way to provide alternative treatment for type I diabetes and patients with chronic pancreatitis. It is a fully functional, 3D printed bionic organ with a vascular system, developed using advanced biomaterials and living cells. It is the world’s first 3D printed bionic organ, ready to enter the clinical trial phase. The bionic pancreas produces insulin and glucagon, while the bioprinted vascular system ensures full perfusion of the organ and integration into the patient’s circulatory system. This offers hope to patients, offering a chance to regain a normal life.


The shortage of organs for transplantation is one of the many challenges of modern transplantation. In Poland alone, 20,000 people suffer from severe, complicated diabetes, and the highest number of transplants performed in a year is only 40. The situation worldwide is no better – out of 1,500 transplants, more than 400,000 patients face serious complications.The bionic pancreas has great potential to revolutionize this field of medicine. The bioprinted organ restores the body’s natural ability to produce key regulatory hormones, freeing patients from the need for daily insulin injections.


The bionic pancreas is the only solution on the market for type I diabetes and chronic pancreatitis. Currently, no other technology matches the sophistication of the bionic pancreas created by Polbionic.Of course, other companies are working to solve the diabetes problem in different ways, but none of these solutions are yet commercially available. Polbionic’s bionic pancreas is the most advanced solution on the market, which contains alpha, beta and delta cells, as well as a vascular system.Most importantly, it is ready for the world’s first transplant!

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Bionic Pancreas

POLBIONICA: Prof. Michal Wszoła, Marta Klak PhD, Filip Fertner


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